Providing quality promotional products since 1987. Proudly Australian Owned & Operated.

10 Promotional Product Stats That Might Surprise You

10 Promotional Product Stats That Might Surprise You

We spend every day seeing the awesome impact great promotional products can have on boosting businesses, raising brand awareness and setting your company apart from the competition. But we don’t just want you to take our word for it! We’ve found 10 shocking but true facts from PPAI (Promotional Products Association International) that show the real power of promotional products.

  1. 83% of consumers like receiving a promotional product with an advertising message. You heard that right, people LIKE receiving promo products! For anyone on the fence thinking giving out free pens will leave you branded a nuisance, think again.
  2. After receiving a promotional product, 85% of consumers do business with the advertiser. If you ever needed definitive proof branded merchandise works to boost sales, you got it!
  3. More than half (58%) of consumers keep a promotional product anywhere from one year to more than four years. The right promo products don’t just end up in the bin, they become integrated belongings that keep your brand top of mind for years to come.
  4. 89% of consumers can recall the name of the advertiser on a promotional product they received in the past twelve months. Want to be memorable? Get your brand on a product. Simple as that!
  5. Promotional products draw as many as 500% more referrals from satisfied customers than an appeal letter alone. Even we can’t deny the leap in referrals off the back of using promotional products is astounding!
  6. Adding a promotional product to the media mix increases the effectiveness of another media by up to 44%. Want that print ad, social media campaign, event or PR strategy to really pay dividends? Throw some promotional products into the mix.
  7. 90.4% of people report currently owning or possessing a promotional product received in the last 24 months. Not only does this mean your competitors are probably already on the promo product train (so you should be too), it further reiterates that the right products – think useful, personal, memorable and unique, will keep your brand in customer’s minds day in and day out.
  8. 53% of consumers use a promotional product at least once a week or more. Without even realising it you probably use a branded product more often than you’d think. It’s the same for your consumers and every time they reach for that branded pen, sip from a branded mug or throw on a branded t-shirt they’re being reminded of your business!
  9. 8 in 10 consumers own between one and 10 promotional items. Promotional products are everywhere, make sure yours stand out by making products useful, personal and unique!  We’re full of great ideas to make your campaign stand out, talk to our experts today.
  10. Nearly 6 in 10 consumers have received promo items from a business establishment or at trade shows, conferences or conventions. Before heading off to your next conference make sure you’ve stocked up on branded products and make sure your competitors don’t gain an edge.